
hg8868皇冠下载 biologists study fish 和ir habitats to learn how water levels flowing from our dams affect the Snake River 和 creatures that live in it. 我们也研究 水的质量、蜗牛和其他水生物种.

Fish also depend on habitat created by springs that flow into the Snake River. One example is the Shoshone sculpin, a small fish found only in springs in the Hagerman, Idaho, area. Our biologists help monitor the health of this unique fish.

我们监测的其他鱼类包括奇努克鲑鱼, 虹鳟鱼, 牛鳟鱼, white sturgeon and warm-water fish such as bass and crappie.


的 Malad River is a tributary of the middle Snake River located near Hagerman, Idaho. With its cold, clear spring water, Malad River provides excellent habitat for 虹鳟鱼.

Because we have two hydropower dams in the lower part of the Malad River, we have built fish passage facilities to help 虹鳟鱼 pass the dams both upstream and downstream. Computerized video equipment records fish movement and size.

因为我们从2008年开始修建这些通道, 2人以上,500 虹鳟鱼 have used them each year to move above and below the dams.


Bull trout are a federally protected species that is important to Idaho and Oregon.

Bull trout are found in Oxbow and Hells Canyon reservoirs and downstream of Hells Canyon Dam, as well as tributaries that flow into the Snake River in this area.

We are working with state and federal agencies to create a program to monitor the health of 牛鳟鱼 populations. This program includes plans to improve habitat and create a passage for 牛鳟鱼. This passage will allow fish to move through the Hells Canyon Complex (HCC) and connect 牛鳟鱼 from other rivers that flow into the Snake River. Without this passage to connect them, small populations of 牛鳟鱼 are more vulnerable.

的 牛鳟鱼 passage program is being developed in consultation with the U.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局爱达荷州渔猎局 和 俄勒冈州鱼类和野生动物管理局.

Other rivers in this area that flow into the Snake River and support 牛鳟鱼 include:

  • 松树溪和俄勒冈州的因纳哈河
  • Wildhorse River, Indian Creek, Granite Creek and Sheep Creek in Idaho

Our biologists also monitor how river flows affect 牛鳟鱼 that spend the winter in the Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam.


White sturgeon are ancient fish that live near the river bottom. 的y are the largest freshwater fish in North America and can weigh as much as 1,体重500磅,长度超过12英尺.

Over the past century, overfishing and habitat reduction have reduced the white sturgeon population. 在一些地区, dams have blocked access to the areas where they lay eggs and limited them to river sections between dams.

在爱达荷州, two largest reproducing populations of white sturgeon are below Bliss and Hells Canyon dams. Only small numbers of fish exist in the other reaches.

To support white sturgeon populations in the Snake River, we developed a program to monitor the health and abundance of these fish from Shoshone Falls downstream to the Hells Canyon reach. 我们的生物学家定期捕获, 检查并放生鲟鱼, using tiny electronic tags to keep track of survival, 增长率, 生育率和其他数据.


的 鱼类通道中心 is paid for by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). It provides information on anadromous fish (salmon and steelhead that travel to and from the ocean) that go through the main Snake and Columbia river hydropower systems.

Anglers can find out how many adult salmon and steelhead enter the Snake River Basin each year and how those numbers compare to past years.

的 爱达荷州渔猎局 (IDFG)和 俄勒冈州鱼类和野生动物管理局 (ODFW) also provide information on fishing seasons and license and tag requirements for salmon and steelhead in Idaho and Oregon waters.